Google Web Accelerator 0.2

Even if you wear the best processor and graphic card, sometimes open a permanent website do so. If it so, the solution is caching plugin from Google below. Bigger, better, faster, more! Even at gigahertz processor and broadband connection, users will naturally try to exploit their strengths to access the information as soon as possible.

The idea is simple: it takes power and the strength of the major search engines to perform caching on cache kontenta and feeding it directly to the user, thus simplifying and accelerating acceptance of data and with each passing congestion on the Internet on the road. This software will also take pages to store it locally on your hard drive (this is stored separately from your browser's cache). Web Accelerator will also compress some data to add further speed improvements.

For those who regularly surf the internet of course is no stranger to no later than the time you need to make a particular website. One of the reasons that make this happen is the load on the server your website is or is away the distance between you and the server where the data is located. Other problem may be due to large data to be transferred.

Google web accelerator to try to help you to resolve the matter with some fairly advanced techniques. Some of which are quite useful are: keep copy and from the pages you see or visit often to make it can be accessed more quickly; only downloads the updates if a web page has changed since the last time you saw it; Prefetching certain pages to your computer; compress the data before sending them to your computer.

Basic functions, such as Preferences, Performance Data, and Help, accessible by clicking on the icon in the Windows Taskbar. Taskbar icons also allow you to disable the function of this plugin quickly.

Google Web Accelerator requires Windows XP or Windows 2000 with service pack 3, and Internet Explorer browser 5.5 or Firefox 1.0. (You can, however, to manually configure this software to work with other browsers.) Google Web Accelerator is not recommended for dial-up connection - this plugin specifically directed at broadband DSL and cable users.

Download Google Web Accelerator 0.2