Back when we were in college, for the purposes of system virtualization, we often use Virtual Box. The reason there are only three --- because they are lightweight, easy to use and free.
VirtualBox is a virtualization software for enterprise use and the use of home (home use). Not only rich in features, VirtualBox is a highly capable product for enterprise customers is also the only professional solution that is freely available as open source software licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
VirtualBox runs on Mac OS X operating system, Windows and Linux, and supports a variety of guest operating systems include, but are not limited to Windows, DOS / Windows 3.x, Linux, and OpenBSD.
Although there are several free virtualization tools are available today, but the majority of which have limitations. But not so with VirtualBox. VirtualBox is a virtualization tool powerful enough to enterprise system, yet easy enough to use for home users. In short, VirtualBox is a qualified software for your virtualization needs.
During the installation process, you will not encounter obstacles because the installation is not much different from most software. Furthermore, the interface design that looks like a wizard, can simplify the creation and management of virtual machines. The main view (tabbed main display) juxtaposed with a side panel listing all the available VM. Control icon labeled New, Settings, Start, and Discard can handle all functions. Some of the tabs for Details, Snapshot, and the Description displays information about the selected VM.
To be able to know its capabilities, you can begin to create a VM (Virtual Machine) just by selecting the New button. You can create a VM to install Ubuntu inside Windows 7 (for example) to examine the ability of VirtualBox host operating system without making drastic changes to the computer's performance. Wizard will allow you to specify the amount of RAM as an allocation for the new VM. Next, you will be asked to determine the capacity of virtual hard disk you want to use the virtual machine.
After all that is done is configured, then you already have a virtual machine on the computer. While you're using a VM, you can always get out and go back to the host computer instantly without the need to use a special key.
VirtualBox is available free of charge both for developers and enterprise level for home users. With these advantages, it is not wrong if VirtualBox is a virtualization tool that is highly recommended.
Download VirtualBox 4.1.4