Internet Explorer 9.0

In general, Internet Explorer 9 is surprisingly present in browser competition recently. By using the speed of browsing that can be said to be very fast, minimalist layout and innovative features not only make the latest version of IE is attracting attention, but bring back the Internet Explorer browser to the top flight competition at this time.

In various tests conducted, it is evident this website faster and more compatible with web standards that exist today. In addition, the latest version is said to be more stable than previous versions.

Microsoft campaign conducted in the past year, Microsoft was successful in its goal of changing the image of the IE browser so far that seem old and slow, and turn it into a browser on board. The same way ever to do Microsoft to boost Windows 7.

There is one fundamental weakness is also here, that is to use Internet Explorer 9, you have to use Windows 7 or Windows Vista. XP users seem to be stuck forever in IE 8.

Microsoft has divided the installer for IE9 into four versions, depending on your operating system, so make sure that you download the correct version. Different versions available for Windows 7 x86, Windows 7 x64, Windows Vista x86, and Windows Vista x64.
Here we provide a link to download the x86 version of Windows 7.

Download Internet Explorer 9.0