MicrOsiris 11.0 Statistical Analysis Software

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MicrOsiris 11.0 Statistical Analysis and Data Management Software.
MicrOsiris is a comprehensive statistical and data management package for Windows developed by Van Eck Software. Derived from OSIRIS IV, a statistical and data management package developed and used at the University of Michigan, MicrOsiris includes special techniques for data mining and analysis of nominal- and ordinal-scaled data (MNA, MCA) and an interface to IVEware.

The MicrOsiris IVEware interface command, IVEWARE, invokes the Srcware version of IVEware (installed with MicrOsiris) that can:
1.Perform single or multiple imputations of missing values using the Sequential Regression Imputation Method.
2.Perform a variety of descriptive and model based analyses accounting for such complex design features as clustering, stratification and weighting.
3.Perform multiple imputation analyses for both descriptive and model-based survey statistics.
4.Returns an imputed data set for further analysis in MicrOsiris.

MicrOsiris accepts data from SPSS, SAS, STATA, and Excel as well as from other sources, including UNESCO IDAMS datasets and older OSIRIS datasets from ICPSR. Download MicrOsiris 11.0 Statistical Analysis Software full version from here.